Thursday, February 28, 2008


To whom it may concern
To all the new and continuing members of the CSUN chapter of SPJ, welcome back to a new semester. With a new semester comes new tales to tell from SPJ at CSUN.

Most recently we had a fundraiser for Valentines Day, that was held in front of Manzanita Hall. Needless to say it was a formidable success. By selling candy and drinks members of the CSUN chapter of SPJ were able to raise a few dollars making its members one step closer to making it to the SPJ regional conference.

The SPJ regional spring conference is the an significant opportunity for any young journalist, that is a member of the SPJ, to go and participate and gather information about recent happenings in the world of journalism. As members of the CSUN branch of SPJ, members will go and represent our small niche in the world as a means of making our collective journalistic body at CSUN known and accounted for.

The spring regional conference will be taking place in many locations around the country, but the CSUN chapter will be attending the conference being held in Tuscon, AZ. This is a conference will take place between the 11-12 of April, at the University of Arizona.

Beyond that there isn't much going on. We are however coordinating with the student body government to conduct another movie night and maybe invite a couple speakers to campus.

as always, the CSUN chapter of SPJ is working to achieve a high level of campus involvement and enlightenment through the power of words and wisdom. We are here to facilitate the growth of knowledge about events at the local level and make our presence known amongst the the student body, but especially to journalists, of any form. We are here to make a difference and do the job that we signed up to do. So , to writers and journalists alike get involved and stay involved. Become a member of SPJ and help spread the word of truth through the social spinal tap of journalism.

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